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Open Transparent and Merit Based Recruitment


The Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU) is committed to the principles of transparent and merit-based recruitment as defined in the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. As the leading University of research and technology in the Czech Republic, CTU aims to attract the best employees both nationally and internationally. The recruitment process reflects the level of excellence that CTU expects from all its employees.

Key principles

The three key principles at the core of the policy drive the university to be Open, Transparent, and Merit-based:

  • Open: CTU Research positions must be advertised openly and widely to ensure to reach a wider pool of candidates.
  • Transparent: the recruitment process must be simple and clear. External candidates must have access to the same information as Internal candidates.
  • Merit-based: selection for roles must be based on the Researchers’ merit. The selection panel must ensure the best possible candidate secures the position.


Research positions at CTU

Research positions are listed and described in the Career Code.

Recruitment process

The recruitment process at CTU is defined at Recruitment Rules of CTU. This document was amended to include all principles of the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. Best practices in recruitment are published and serve as a guideline. Positions are advertised in Czech and English on the official web of CTU and on the Euraxess, well in advance (usually at least 3 months before the expected start). In all parts of the recruitment process at CTU the limitations of requested supporting documents are applied to lower the administrative burden for applicants. Applicants can submit all required documents in electronic form and declare that they will provide the proof (if required by the legislation) only if they are selected.

In all stages of the recruitment process the applicant is informed about the current status of their application and proposed timeline. All candidates receive the results of the selection process accompanied with their strengths and weaknesses and are encouraged to send their feedback and comments on the selection process.

The recruitment process for all research positions at CTU contains three phases:

  • Advertising and application
    All open positions need to be advertised in English on Euraxess and other relevant portals at least 30 days before the deadline for the submission of applications.
  • Evaluation and selection
    The selection procedure committee must have at least 5 members including the chair. The members of the committee are composed of representatives of the CTU and may be extended by external experts. The selection procedure committee should be composed so that a gender-balanced representation is ensured. The professional expertise of the committee members has to be considered.
  • Appointment
    All applicants have to be informed about their results and feedback should be given to them including their strengths and weaknesses in relation to offered position.

Selection criteria

For each application, the proper balance of research skills, creativity, and independence are evaluated properly for the advertised position. Merits are assessed both qualitatively and quantitatively. Emphasis is placed not only on the number of publications, but also on other excellent results. The share of bibliometric indicators is properly balanced with a wider range of evaluation criteria such as creativity, teaching, leadership, knowledge transfer, teamwork, researcher management, promotional and popularization activities, and cooperation with industry and the public sector. The current internationalization and mobility are evaluated, including experience from working in another sector or field. When evaluating quantitative indicators, the personal circumstances of the applicants are taken into account, e.g. parenthood, health status, career breaks.

Focus Areas for the implementation period 2024 -2027 (according to Action Plan)

Reducing administrative burden for applicants (further development of the Welcome Office)

  • Support of gender equality
  • More transparency in salaries
  • Reducing language barriers
  • Ease of adaptation
Vlastník stránky: Ilona Chalupská