Doctor Honoris Causa, CTU in Prague - Public web - Czech technical university in Prague

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Our University has been authorised to award the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences since 13 April 1901. The same authorization was granted to the technical universities in Vienna, Budapest, Brno and Graz. From 1905 to the present day, more than 160 distinguished personalities have been awarded honorary doctorates of Prague's Czech technology. Among them are representatives of science and technology such as František Křižík, Nikola Tesla, Ernest Denis or, more recently, Zdeněk Bažant, Otto Wichterle, Lord Rogers, Shoichiro Toyoda, Ivo Babuška, Thomas Morel, Nick Kingsbury and many others. American presidents W. Wilson, H. Hoover and other important statesmen were also awarded. All of them undoubtedly represent the elite of society.


The book, first published in December 2014 with updated edition published in December 2022, not only introduces the honorary doctors of our university, but also summarizes the development of science and technology in recent centuries, all in the context of the development of our university. The book was written as a representative promotional publication of the CTU thanks to the support of the Fund of University-wide Activities and is not for sale.

You can take a look and read it on this web page (Czech only).

Content owner: Ilona Chalupská