Recognition of Education with the Nationwide Validity - Public web - Czech technical university in Prague

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Recognition of Higher Foreign Education at CTU in Prague (with nationwide validity in the Czech Republic):

Recognition of university studies abroad is governed by the directive Recognition of university education and qualification completed abroad with nationwide acceptance at CTU in Prague.

The period for processing the request is set by law (administrative regulations), 30 days from delivery, in more complex cases the period for processing the request can be extended up to 60 days.

Due to the excessive number of applications for the recognition of foreign higher education, the deadline for processing all applications ranges from 30 to 60 days.


The application for recognition of foreign higher education is submitted electronically through the NOS app:


The application form must be printed, signed and sent together with the required documents to the address of the CTU Rectorate in Prague.
Documents with a digital signature or documents converted to an electronic version by authorized conversion can be delivered in electronic form to the NOS application or by data box.

Application procedure

  1. Filling in an electronic application form
  2. Payment of the nostrification fee 3 000,- CZK The fee must be paid before the application is submitted.
    Information about payment for refugees from Ukraine
    From September 1, 2024, the exemption from the fee for the recognition of foreign higher education only applies to applicants with a temporary protection visa for a period of less than 12 months (according to § 1 paragraph 1 of Act No. 67/2022 Coll.)
    For more information, see this website:
  3. Attachment of obligatory documents to the application
    1. Sending printed application and documents to the address:
      ČVUT v Praze – rektorát
      Odbor pro studium a studentské záležitosti
      Jugoslávských partyzánů 1580/3
      160 00  Praha 6 – Dejvice
    2. Application attachments can be delivered in electronic form to the NOS application or by data box – electronic documents with a digital signature or documents converted to an electronic version by authorized conversion

Obligatory Documents to be attached to the Application

  1. Certified copy of Diploma
    The authenticity of signatures and stamps must be verified accordingly Verification of the authenticity of signatures and stamps on the original diploma.
  2. Diploma Supplement or extract of all examinations for the entire period of study.
    The Diploma and Diploma Supplement must be officially translated into Czech or English. The translation must be firmly attached to the translated (original) text to avoid the change of the translated lists.
    No translations are required for documents issued in English.
    List of sworn translators and notaries
    If you are applying for the recognition of a follow-up master's degree, please submit bachelor's and master's degree and their supplements/transcripts.
  3. Verified power of attorney, if the applicant is represented by a proxy Power of attorney.

Refugees from Ukraine (with temporary protection) can prove the missing documents by an affidavit in necessary cases only. If the university works in Ukraine, you can request the issuance of a duplicate of the diploma and transcript.

Verification of the authenticity of signatures and stamps on the original diploma

The authenticity of signatures and stamps on original documents in accordance with the Section 90 (3) of Act No. 111/1998 Coll. on Higher Education must be verified.
The verification of authenticity of signatures and stamps on the original diploma depends on the country, where the diploma was issued.

The verification procedure can be divided into three groups under international treaties

  1. A bilateral agreement on legal aid is concluded with the State concerned
    allowing to submit public documents (diplomas and other education documents) issued in a Contracting State to the authorities of the other Contracting State without further verification.
  2. Apostille verification
    Signatories to the Hague Convention - Multilateral Contract for the Simplification of Authentication of Foreign Public Documents - The authenticity of signatures and stamps on original documents must be verified by Apostille. Apostille is issued by an authorized state authority (the so-called apostille office) in which the document was issued. A list of apostille offices is available on the Hague Conference website
  3. Superlegalization
    The authenticity of signatures and stamps on the original documents must be verified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the state, where the university which issued the document is located, or by the relevant foreign authority, and the relevant Czech embassy in the country, where the university which issued the diploma is located.
    The question of legalization and superlegalization of diplomas and documents on the completion of studies abroad can be consulted with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, Department of Legalization of Documents of the Consular Department. Addresses of Czech embassies abroad and foreign representations can be found on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

List of states - required verification of diplomas

Recommended Documents to be attached to the Application:

In case of a name change, we require a certified copy of the name change document (marriage certificate, etc.).

Additional documents needed to assess foreign education and qualifications may be required during the proceedings.

The documents of education supported by the application are not automatically returned.


The applicant has the right to appeal within 15 days of the decision. The appeal is filed through the public higher education institution, which issued the decision, to the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.


Duplicate of the certificate of recognition of foreign education

Request for issue of a duplicate in MS Word format

Request for issue of a duplicate in PDF format


Withdrawal of application due to non-university competence

Withdrawal of application in MS Word format

Request withdrawal in PDF format


Change of application for recognition of foreign education and qualification

Change of application for recognition of foreign education and qualification

Please note

Holders of Slovak, Hungarian, Polish or Slovenian education and qualification documents can use them in the Czech Republic directly without having to submit a certificate of recognition of foreign higher education and qualifications issued by a public university in the Czech Republic or the Ministry of Education, Youth and Physical Education of the Czech Republic.

It is not possible to recognize these universities:

Recognition of foreign higher education and qualifications can be decided by the following institutions:

A public university with a similar accredited degree program to the foreign institution. The relevant public higher education institution can be found on the list of accredited degree programs of public universities in the Czech Republic (see the website of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic).

The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic can, in case of doubt, determine the competence of a public higher education institution to recognize foreign education or decide on recognition itself. It is also the appellate body in case of rejection of the application.

The Ministry of Defense - decides on education acquired in the military field.

The Ministry of the Interior - decides on education acquired in the field of security forces. 

More information

Information portal on the recognition of foreign education and qualifications

Content owner: Najah Torbová