Gender Equality Plan - Public web - Czech technical university in Prague

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Gender Equality Plan at CTU in Prague for the period 2021-2024

The Gender Equality Plan (GEP) at CTU in Prague was realized within the HR Award project. The Gender Equality Team at CTU in Prague is composed of representatives of the management, Academic Senate, professional, academic and scientific staff and students of CTU in Prague.
GEP is a tool to systematically address gender issues. It aims to generate structural and cultural changes in the institution in the field of equal opportunities.

Areas of GEP focus:

  • conditions for career advancement and development
  • opportunities for balancing work and personal life/parenthood
  • working conditions - time demands of work, flexible forms of work
  • selection of new staff
  • consideration of leaving the institution/academia
  • evaluation system for scientific and teaching work
  • culture of the working environment
  • experience of sexual harassment and bullying in the workplace
  • gender balance in leadership and decision making

Mandatory document for Horizon Europe project proposals with a deadline of 2022.


Content owner: Dagmar Dvořáková