Computing and Information Centre - Public web - Czech technical university in Prague

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Interesting Facts

The CTU Card Centre produces approximately 9,500 cards for students, employees and guests and extends the validity of approximately 11,000 cards per year.

The website is visited by more than 1.7 million visitors annually.

The information website about IT technologies and services at CTU and CIC (website is visited by over 85,000 users per year.

About 17,300 exam dates are announced via KOS (KOmponenta Studium – an application used to support study agendas) and over 650,000 credits and grades are registered per year.

5,000 records of new projects are entered into the EZOP application every year. The database of the V3S application grows by 8,000 records of science and research results every year. 4,500 authors from CTU participated in the results submitted over the last three years.

30 Oracle production databases contain a total of approximately 114,000 tables with almost 5 billion rows. The total volume of databases is 2.4 TB.

We manage a total of 261 virtual servers.

The data warehouse offers 288 database views. The database contains over 400 tables.

In total, approximately 32 million files with a size of more than 100 TB are stored in the OneDrive storage.

Almost one million e-mail messages are sent outside CTU and over five million messages are received, per year.

Content owner: Ilona Chalupská